CrashPads is a manufacturer of Protective Gear that is intended for Scooter and Bike enthusiasts as well as other types of recreational riders. This company is dedicated to making products that are flexible and lightweight, but won’t restrict any mobility. Crash Pads have been in bussiness since 1992 and had their beginings in Astoria, Oregon when a woman teaching herself to inline skate got tired of the bruises she suffered every time she crashed. To prevent further injury, she began to stitch foam pads into her clothing. Over time, her protective pads became more sophisticated with added parts and the rest, as they say, is history.
Welcome to the CrashPads page of the Marketplace. This is the place where you can find high caliber protective gear. Our Marketplace offers comparison pricing on from some of the most trusted disturbers out there. Here you can browse all products that belong to this brand. Just click on one of the many featured products and begin your shopping experience. You can even filter your results by price.