Day 6 Bicycles
Day 6 Bicycles specializes in manufacturing Bicyles that are reknown for their comfort and ease of travel. Their Comfort Bikes are tailored for the casual and non-competetive cyclist. Their products are both afforable, practical and especially comfortable. They are an American Company based in Milford, MI. Day 6 Bicycles mission statement is "to make riding a bicycle as fun and comfortable as possible so people will ride as much as possible to stay in the highest level of health as possible." These Comfort Bicycles are an excellent alternative for short-distance commuting like getting to work, school or just enjoying the scenerey, as they are built with extra-comfy seats and other parts.
Welcome to the Day 6 Bicycles page of the Marketplace. This is the best place to find their extremely Comfortable Bicycles. Our Marketplace offers comparison pricing on from some of the most trusted disturbers out there. Here you can browse all products that belong to this brand. Just click on one of the many featured products and begin your shopping experience. You can even filter your results by price.