Footbikes can go by a variety of different labels: Kickbike, Scooter, Charriots to name a few. Technically, they are a combination of parts from a Scooter and a Bicycle, which leads to a unique and interesting form. The vehicles on this page are the legacy of the first Footbikes, which were concoted by Hannu Vierikko of Finland in the late 90s. They come to use via their namesake European company and Optima Cycles. Their products are widely recognized for being comprised of the finest materials and being remarkable sturdy. They are aslo an excllent way to get in excersize and maintain a healthy life style. They are also environmentally friendly, and they don't produce any harmful emissions.
If you are looking for quality Kickbikes at affordable prices, then this is the right place to be. Welcome to the Marketplace Footbike Section. This is the place where you can find High quality Foot Bike Products. Our Marketplace offers comparison pricing on from some of the most trusted disturbers out there. Here you can browse all products that belong to this brand. Just click on one of the many featured products and begin your shopping experience. You can even filter your results by price.