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Zappy is a brand of Electric Scooters that is manufactured by ZAP Jonway. Zap Jonway specializes in Gas Scooters and Electric Scooters or Energy Vehicles (EVs) as they are sometimes called. This is an internationally known operation that has products distributed in over 30 countries. Their Electric Scooters are favored mostly by city dwellers, university students and government and corporate markets in China and the United States. ZAP Jonway has it's headquarters in Santa Rosa, California.

Greetings, you have located the Zappy page of the Marketplace. This is the place where you can find a wide variety of Zappy brand products, like Electric Scooters and Gas Scooters. Our Marketplace offers comparison pricing from some a long list of Scooter manufacturers. Here you can look through all products that belong to this brand. Just click on one of the many featured products and begin your shopping experience. You can even filter your results by price if you are on a budget.