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Go-Ped Electric Scooters

Go-Ped opened for business in 1985 and are known throughout the world for their perfectly crafted motorized scooters. The Go-Ped brand is unsurpassed in quality, durability, reliability, ergonomics and handling. They’re the number one choice for racers and scooter enthusiasts alike.

Go-Ped expanded their product line to include electric scooters in 2007. Electric Go-Peds have since become the preferred model for riders willing to spare no expense for the absolute best in electric personal transportation.

Several options are available. The “Electric Speed Racer” aka ESR model comes standard and upgraded with Go-Ped’s patented Cantilevered Independent Dynamic Linkless Indespension (C.I.D.L.I.) suspension system. Their iPed model is designed for commuting. Go-Ped also offers a “Portable Patrol Vehicle” known as the PPV for police and military use.

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