Ancra Original's Tiedowns, Part #172-102
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The Original tiedown set the standard. The Original's are 5.5 feet long, constructed of abrasion resistant nylon webbing. They come with vinyl coated hooks, a premium heavy duty 1 inch cam buckle and zinc cam and pressure plate to reduce webbing abrasion. Ancra Original's have 1,200 lbs. assembly strength and 400 lbs. working load limit. Available in red and black. Packaged in pairs. Assembly Strength: 1 200 lbs. Working Load Limit: 400 lbs. 1 200 lbs. Rated Vinyl Coated S-Hook for Paint & Chrome Protection. 4,500 lbs. Tensile Strength Abrasion Resistant Nylon Webbing. 1,800 lbs. Rated Heavy-Duty Cam Buckle with Cam Plate. Instructions Included.
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